Saturday, April 23, 2016

Deadly Toxins of Unhealthy Churches: A survivor's testimony of hope and triumph amidst the turmoil and trauma of spiritual abuse

Deadly Toxins of Unhealthy Churches: A survivor's testimony of hope and triumph amidst the turmoil and trauma of spiritual abusePaperback



Product Details

  • Paperback: 160 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (March 26, 2015)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1503381749
  • ISBN-13: 978-1503381742
  • Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.4 x 9 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 10.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
  • Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (2 customer reviews)
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #5,285,676 in Books


The topic of spiritual health is not a very popular one in most churches today. It is a very sensitive and taboo topic that many church organizations would rather not confront. The records however, show that based on the impact on members' lives, the differences between healthy and unhealthy churches make this discussion one of paramount importance to the Body of Christ. This is largely so because the scars of spiritual abuse, resulting from spiritual toxicity, can last for a lifetime. The fact is that there are churches that spiritually abuse their members. It is a growing trend in Christendom where unhealthy churches have commandeered the lives of millions of followers. Unconditional love is not to be found in these organizations. One has to earn that love and acceptance through performance. Often church leaders would publicly embarrass and threaten members into strict obedience to a legalistic code. This book was written for survivors of spiritual abuse. Much of it recounts the spiritual journey of the author, who spent over two decades as a member of an international Christian cult. There are millions of believers who have fallen through the cracks and need
to hear a healing word of comfort. It was written for them before they reach their breaking point. Many of them drift along aimless and godless. This book is divided into three sections: Section 1 discusses several criteria by which spiritual health can be assessed. Section 2 offers hope and some good news for survivors of spiritual abuse. It discusses the process of: coming to grips with the effects of spiritual abuse, departing such organizations, and seeking redress from unhealthy, abusive church experiences. These are necessary steps on the road towards recovery and wholeness of the inner person. Section 3 is a question and answer section, where frequently asked questions on the issues surrounding spiritual health and spiritual abuse are answered. Our hope and prayer for survivors of spiritual abuse; both those abused and their perpetrators, within the Body of Christ is for them to heed the words of Jesus, as He calls them to lay down the heavy burdens of religious legalism, and find rest, healing and acceptance in Him (Matt 11:28-31). For it is in Him and Him alone, that true spiritual fulfilment can, and must be found.

More About the Author

Michael Antony O'Sullivan Case, affectionately called Mike, was born in St. Andrew, Jamaica. He is the seventh child of eleven of Lester and Linda Case. Mike pursued a career in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. A 2001 Fulbright Scholar, he completed his PhD at Florida A & M University in Industrial Engineering in the fall of 2007. Mike retired from full time service as a senior faculty member of the School of Engineering at the University of Technology, Jamaica in 2011.
Mike grew up in a Christian home but left his family church in the Brethren denomination in his late teens. In his junior year in College in Trinidad he became involved with Herbert Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God and spent the next 21 years as a member of that church. Much of his latest book 'Deadly Toxins of Unhealthy Churches' recounts his journey through this cultic organization.
Mike met Beverly King in Trinidad in 1974, fell in love, and got married in 1977. The union has produced seven children; Michael Jr, Philip (deceased), Andrew, William, Clare, Stephen and Deborah, and two grandchildren; Christian and Harlow. The Cases were called and anointed to be pastors and continue to serve the Body of Christ in various ways including their inspirational books, timely articles, and motivational talks. Mike and Bev published their autobiography 'Diamonds in the Valley' in 2000, revised in 2013. This volume along with other books and related articles can be previewed on their website 
They live on a farm in a quiet town in rural South Carolina, USA, where they can hear the birds sing, watch creation unfold on a clear star studded night, and listen to the voice of the Lord through the rustling of the trees.

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